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Strength Training – 7 Rules for the Best Results
While strength training is by far and away the most beneficial form of exercise, you'll want to follow a set of recommendations to get all of the benefits.
What to Know Before Hiring a Personal Trainer
So you’ve tried a couple other approaches before, and now you’re thinking you need a personal trainer. Before you do, there’s a few things that you should know, or at least consider before hirin
What Our Most Successful Clients Have in Common
More than what exercise routine they follow or how strict their diet is, there are three foundational elements that are common amongst our most successful clients. In this article, we'll touch on all
The 3 Biggest Exercise Myths
The 3 Biggest Exercise Myths It might sound crazy, but you can get into great shape without loathing the exercise experience. In fact, you might even learn to enjoy regular exercise and create a healt
How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off
How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off 3 rules for Sustainable Weight Loss If you’ve struggled with losing weight and keeping it off, you’re not alone. But you are in the right place. In this article,